Monday, December 15, 2014


Hi Fencing Parents and Fencers,

We are having our annual Fencing Christmas Party this Thursday, December 18th, from 4 to 6pm. It will be held at school in the cafeteria.  We have 26 fencers this year! All parents are welcome to attend! 

We had a very successful and memorable party last year. We will be doing the same this year. It's a wonderful time to get to know each other!  Each Fencing Family is as being asked to bring in a appetizer/dinner dish or dessert to share. We have use of the kitchen so we can reheat any food.  So please place food that has to be reheated in a metal tray. Please label the food clearly Fencing Team and place it in the Cafeteria Kitchen if you are dropping it off in the morning or during the day. We will need some parents to help to set up the food so please let me know if you can come early. 

Please send me a return email with what you will be bringing so that I can coordinate the items. If you have any questions please call me 845-519-9712.

Looking forward to seeing you!
Thank you so much! 

Dana Bortz (Diana's Mom)

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