Saturday, February 21, 2015

OLL Fencing Service Project - 3/15/15

Hello All,

Our OLL Fencing Team Community Service Project is Scheduled for Sunday, March 15, 2015.

This is a required activity for all the fencers on the team. We will spend March 15th at the Super Stop & Shop located at the BJ's Plaza in Wappingers on Route 9, from 10:00am to 2:00pm. 

We will gather before 10:00am and collect food for St. Columba Food Pantry located in Hopewell Junction. The food will be delivered by us to the food pantry right after we pack our cars. We will need several parents with pick up trucks or vans to help deliver the food. The fencers will help deliver and unload all the food at the St. Columba food pantry afterward.

I will supply a sign up schedule for the team. Fencers can sign up for 2 hour shifts. Either from 10:00 to 12:00 or from 12:00 to 2:00pm.  They can also stay the entire 4 hours if they need the volunteer hours for the National Honor's Society. 

Please put this activity on your schedule! Hopefully, we will have a successful day. The fencing team has raised over $2000 dollars of food for local food pantries each year. Plus we won the overall best community service project for OLL sports teams for the past 2 years! So let's do it again! If you have any questions, please email me.

Thank you,
Dana Bortz
For Shannon & Alex 

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