Saturday, September 19, 2015

Warrior Spirit Day 9/25/15

I hope everyone had and enjoyable and restful summer.  As you may all know this coming Friday September 25th is Warrior Spirit Day.  As in the past we will be setting up a table and selling snacks and drinks to the students.  This is a great fundraising opportunity and last year in just 2 hours made almost $500.00.  We are asking if anyone is available to volunteer to help with setup, sale and clean up for that day and also for donations of drinks and snacks.  Last year we found that the Gatorade, PowerAde, Water and any individual wrapped snacks sold very well.  If you are able to volunteer or donate if you could please send me an email as soon as possible that would be great.
Also within the next couple of weeks we will be having a meeting for all members of the team to discuss the upcoming season.  We have just received our Super Saturday schedule for January and will have copies available.  Prior to this meeting please go through your gear that you kept with you from last year, please label and bring with you your weapons and cords so that we can have them checked prior to the start of the season.
Also as with last year we are in need of at least 4 female fencers, please try to recruit and bring anyone interested to this meeting with you.  If we do not have at least 4 boys and 4 girls for each weapon we cannot compete in the league so this is very important.
And last, please remember that we really want everyone to come to Peekskill fencing on Saturdays, most of these teams we will be competing against have been fencing year round.  These are free classes to Lourdes students and are very beneficial.  We will be starting the car pool again for anyone who is need of a ride, please email me and we will work that out.
We look forward to hearing and seeing everyone very soon and look forward to another successful season.

Shannon Gauzza

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