Saturday, November 14, 2015

Fencing Starts Monday - 11/16/15

Sending a reminder regarding the beginning of practices this week.  We will meet in the school cafeteria from 3-5:00 on Monday, Thursday and Friday this week.  We will not have practice on Tuesday due to scheduling conflicts with Alex and I.  
Also, as you may have noticed the fees were increased this year.  This increase is to pay for busing to tournaments, dinners after tournaments and any necessary equipment.  However, please know that no individual who wishes to fence will be excluded if the fees cannot be paid.  Please contact either Alex or myself if the fees may pose a problem and we will work through that with you.
Also, we are in the process of arranging for scrimmages with Storm King School and will let you know details as they become available.
Please also try to attend classes at Peekskill Fencing Center.  These are given every Saturday from 11:30-2:30 and really are beneficial for the upcoming season and are free to Lourdes fencers.
Please feel free to contact us with any questions or concerns you may have at anytime.
Thank you for all your cooperation as we begin another great season,
Alex and Shannon

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