Wednesday, December 30, 2015

First Super Saturday - 1/9/16 - Woodlands

Good evening,
Hope everyone had a great Christmas.  Wanted to thank everyone who came to Peekskill Fencing last Saturday for the clinic and a reminder that our first Super Saturday Tournament is next Saturday January 9th at Woodlands, more information will be given out this coming week.  Next week, will be a normal practice schedule of Monday, Tuesday and Friday. 
Also, There will be fencing beginning at 10:00 am on Saturday at Peekskill Fencing if you are able to attend please try to.  Remember, all fencers must have a minimum of 10 practices prior to the first super Saturday in order to compete and Saturday classes count towards the 10.
Please feel free to contact either myself or Alex with any questions you may have.
Thank You,
Shannon and Alex


All Tournaments are “Super Saturday” these are all day MANDATORY events.  The following is a list of dates of tournaments.

January 9, 2016 – Woodlands
January 16, 2016 – Clarkstown South
January 30, 2016 – Ardsley
February 6, 2016 – Ardsley

On these days, we ask that everyone where shorts underneath long pants to travel to and from competition.  The shorts will be worn underneath your required white uniform and worn with the Lourdes fencing t-shirt, Lourdes fencing sock and Lourdes fencing blue and white jacket.

Please remember to bring lunch and plenty of drinks, these are long days and the schools can be very warm.

Friday, December 25, 2015

Merry Christmas & 12/26/15 practice

Merry Christmas to everyone!
Just a reminder that we have the fencing clinic at Peekskill Fencing from 10:00 - 3:00 tomorrow December 26th.  The address of Peekskill Fencing Center is 1000 North Division Street, Peekskill, N.Y. 10566 and the phone number is (914) 734-1444.  
Please feel free to contact either Alex or myself for any additional information.
Shannon and Alex

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

OLL Fencing - Week of December 15, 2015

For this week our practice schedule will be Monday, Tuesday and Thursday due to our school team photos being taken on Thursday at 3:00 the team decided rather then have practice on Friday we would do everything on Thursday.  I am hoping to receive the forms today to hand our to the team at practice if I do not receive them from the Athletic Department in time I will send them through an email.  For team photos all the children must be in their full white uniform with the team socks, for our new members I will bring you socks that day to where.
Also, I am sending home a letter with the children today regarding our annual family Christmas party which will be held next Tuesday December 22, 2015 at 4:30 in the school cafeteria.  This is always a fun time for the kids to have some fun and socialize, families are welcome to join us and we ask that everyone bring a dish to share.  Mrs. Dana Bortz will be heading the preparation and her email and phone number are on the paper however if your teenager does not share this with you her email is . (Please see attached)
For next week, we will not be having practice on Monday December 21,2015 due to the dodgeball tournament at the school that day.
Also, December 26th we would like to hold a one day clinic at Peekskill Fencing for the team more details will follow on this, keep in mind our first Super Saturday tournament is January 9, 2015 everyone should have the schedule of all our super Saturday's if you do not please let me know.
Thank you,
Shannon Gauzza and Alex Acevedo