Wednesday, December 30, 2015

First Super Saturday - 1/9/16 - Woodlands

Good evening,
Hope everyone had a great Christmas.  Wanted to thank everyone who came to Peekskill Fencing last Saturday for the clinic and a reminder that our first Super Saturday Tournament is next Saturday January 9th at Woodlands, more information will be given out this coming week.  Next week, will be a normal practice schedule of Monday, Tuesday and Friday. 
Also, There will be fencing beginning at 10:00 am on Saturday at Peekskill Fencing if you are able to attend please try to.  Remember, all fencers must have a minimum of 10 practices prior to the first super Saturday in order to compete and Saturday classes count towards the 10.
Please feel free to contact either myself or Alex with any questions you may have.
Thank You,
Shannon and Alex


All Tournaments are “Super Saturday” these are all day MANDATORY events.  The following is a list of dates of tournaments.

January 9, 2016 – Woodlands
January 16, 2016 – Clarkstown South
January 30, 2016 – Ardsley
February 6, 2016 – Ardsley

On these days, we ask that everyone where shorts underneath long pants to travel to and from competition.  The shorts will be worn underneath your required white uniform and worn with the Lourdes fencing t-shirt, Lourdes fencing sock and Lourdes fencing blue and white jacket.

Please remember to bring lunch and plenty of drinks, these are long days and the schools can be very warm.

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