Tuesday, April 19, 2016


Just sending a reminder regarding our Wednesday, 4/20, Fencing Dinner at Cappucino's on Route 9 in Poughkeepsie  beginning at 6:00. Look forward to seeing everyone there.
Also, reminder for any seniors who had borrowed equipment please be sure to return your gear you may put it in the cage at school.
We will continue fencing on Saturday's at Peekskill fencing in the off season please try to attend these classes to keep up on your skills for next season.
Thank you and enjoy the beautiful weather
Shannon and Alex

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Fencing Dinner RSVP

Our fencing end of season dinner is one week away.  Tomorrow is the deadline to RSVP for the dinner so if you have not done so already please be sure to hand it in tomorrow.  I have enclosed a list of RSVP's I have received, if your name is not on the list and you have turned it into the office please let me know by this evening so I may contact the school.
If anyone is need of the form please let me know as well.
RSVP's and money received to date:
Kayla Kade
Brianna Ellis
Miranda Tinirello
April Griggs
Griffin Downs
Sarah Martinez
Mathew Osborne
Spencer Surico
AJ Grimaldi
Yuqi Zhu
Thank you,
Shannon and Alex

Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Fencing Dinner 4/20

Reminder to please turn in your RSVP for our Fencing Dinner, we need to have a final count in by April 13th, if anyone is need of the form please let me know.  The forms and money can be turned into the main office at school and I will pick them up.  Also, any seniors that were using team equipment please wash your gear and return it in the cages at school.  Also for seniors, if I have not received your baby pictures please email them to me as soon as possible.
One last thing, for the crazy kids, if you have any songs (reasonable and clean) that you would like us so consider for the end of year video please let me know no later then Friday and we will see if we can work them on.
Hope everyone is enjoying the beautiful weather we are having lol and look forward to seeing everyone on the 20th.
Thank you.
Shannon and Alex