Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Final Super Saturday of 2015

As we prepare for our final Super Saturday tournament I would like to say that we had another amazing outing last weekend.  Everyone performed exceptionally well and we need to keep that momentum going for our final weekend.  This coming Saturday, 1/31/15, will be at Ardsley with a 9:15 check in and 10:00 am start, we will go 4 rounds and will include JV fencers as well.  We should be finished around 4:30.
Tomorrow, 1/29/15, we will be holding a practice for all those who are able to attend from 12:00 - 3:00 in the small gym.  If you are not planning on attending practice please be sure to bring home all your gear from school tomorrow as we are expecting more snow on Friday.  
We have had a great season and we will continue with normal practices through most of February.  We will also continue fencing in the off season at Peekskill Fencing, with that being said, if you are currently a Freshman, Sophomore or Junior and are planning on fencing with us during the off season and are using equipment belonging to the team, Alex and I will be allowing people to keep their equipment at home with them if you wish.  We will be handing out within the upcoming weeks an agreement for parents to sign allowing you to hold onto the gear.
We will also be in contact regarding a required service project and our end of the year dinner.
Hope everyone gets lots of rest after mid terms and we look forward to a great Super Saturday at Ardsley.
Thank You,
Shannon and Alex

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