Friday, January 16, 2015

Super Saturday 1/17 @ Clarkstown North

Just a few reminders, tomorrow if you are riding the bus we are meeting at school at 6:30 am because we have an 8:00 am check in and a 9:00 start.  Anyone who left their bags in the cage after practice on Thursday, Alex has them they will be at Clarkstown on Saturday.
All fencers will be fencing on Saturday, so please be prepared with all your gear and same as last week please wear your Lourdes t-shirt, socks and jacket with shorts and pants over them.  Please remember that you are representing your school and please be sure your behavior reflects that.
Lastly, we are planning on going for dinner after the meet.  Please be sure to let me know asap if you will be joining us so that I can give an accurate number and find a place that can accommodate a large group.  Please also be sure that the children bring money with them, not only for dinner but also there will be a concession stand for them to purchase lunch if they do not wish to bring some from home.
For the upcoming week, we will have regular practice all 3 days this week, in addition our team pictures will be taken on Tuesday the 20th after school so please be sure that if your fencer is purchasing pictures they bring their completed form and money on that day.  On Wednesday, we will be having a scrimmage against Arlington at Lourdes after school.  Please make sure all fencers have their gear in school on Wednesday as well as their uniform (socks, t-shirt and Jacket).
Good luck this Saturday to everyone, 
Shannon Gauzza and Alex Acevedo
any questions please feel free to contact me on my cell phone (845) 721-2761

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