Thursday, January 28, 2016

Super Saturday - January 30, 2016

Good afternoon,

For our last practice of the week we have received permission from the administration to practice from 12:00-2:00 on Thursday 1/28/16.  This prevents fencers from having to leave and comeback, with that being said we are making this a mandatory practice as we have a very important tournament on Saturday that will determine our placement in the league for sectional finals on February 6th.

We will not have practice on Friday therefore all equipment must be brought home with you on Thursday after practice, unlike previous weeks, if your equipment is left in the cage at school we will not be loading it in our cars and bringing it home with us, it is every individual fencers responsibility to have their own equipment.

We do have a bus for Saturday's tournament, it will pick up at Lourdes at 7:30 in the morning as our start time for this week is 9:30 at Ardsley. Please let me know ASAP who will be riding the bus, I know several members who were at Practice on Monday all ready confirmed they would be.

If there are any questions please feel free to contact us.

Thank You,

Shannon and Alex

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Class & Scrimmage - Saturday, 1/23/16

For the remainder of the week we will have our normal practice on Friday from 3-5.  Please be sure to bring home your gear on Thursday night in case there is no school on Friday due to weather.
We will be having a fencing scrimmage on Saturday.  Lourdes fencing team will be fencing against Peekskill Fencing Center Team and Storm King School Fencing Team.  There will be a class at Peekskill Fencing prior to competition beginning at 1:00 and competition will begin at 2:00.  If we get the weather they are predicting we will be sending out an email by 6:00 Saturday morning to notify everyone of any cancellations.
For midterm week, we will have our normal practice schedule, if there are any changes we will notify everyone accordingly.
Please be sure that everyone has ALL their gear at all times.  We have had a lot of issues with parts of uniforms going missing.  Each team member is responsible for their own gear and it is becoming very costly to replace missing items weekly.
Please contact either Alex or myself if any additional information is needed.
Thank you,
Shannon and Alex

Monday, January 11, 2016


I would like to begin by saying our team did awesome on Saturday.  Alex and I have the results of the first tournament which we will share with everyone on Monday.  Looking at the week ahead, we face our toughest teams next Saturday so we have a lot of work to do this week so please make every effort to attend our practices.  Alex will be here on Monday and Tuesday and we will be back to our normal practice on Friday as well.
Also, please make sure everyone washes their white fencing suits prior to the next weeks super Saturday tournaments.  For those of you who have never washed them before, please wash them in cold water and hang them to dry.
Next weeks competition will be at Clarkstown South High School and we are considering going to the same Chinese Buffet for dinner after the tournament that we did last year.  I need to know as soon as possible who will be riding the bus and who is interested in going for dinner, families are welcome at dinner also I just need to know how many so we can make reservations.
Again, please try to make all practices this week and please let us know as soon as possible who will be taking the bus and if you are interested in going to dinner after the tournament.
Thank you,
Shannon and Alex

Thursday, January 7, 2016

Super Saturday - Woodlands High School - January 9, 2016

Just a reminder to please make sure all your gear is with you Friday when you leave school. We will not have access to the school Saturday morning--you must carry your gear with you.  Also, please double check to make sure everyone has the required uniform which is the blue Lourdes Fencing t-shirt, Lourdes fencing socks and your blue and white fencing jacket, this is the outfit you will wear to and from tournaments.  For everyone who ordered uniforms, I will be handing out your blue and white jackets on Saturday morning, everyone was given socks and t-shirts the other day.  For returning fencers, please be sure by tonight that you have all parts of the uniform, if your are missing anything ex. socks, please let me know tonight and we will see if we can replace these items.
Also, I have only heard from several members of the team regarding riding the bus on Saturday morning.  The bus will be at school at 7:00 in the morning to pick us up for competition.  Please let me know ASAP if you will or will not be taking the bus so I know how many to expect.  Thank you to all those who have already responded.
Again, Saturday will be a long day please bring snacks and drinks with you.  Also please be sure to wear athletic shorts under long pants in the morning.
Thank you and please feel free to contact us with any questions you may have.
Shannon And Alex

Tuesday, January 5, 2016

OLL Fencing - 1/5/16

Good Morning Everyone,
A few updates and reminders for this week.  First a reminder that team photos are tomorrow, Wednesday January 6th at 3:00.  We will meet in the cafeteria and walk down together.  Please be sure that you are in your full white uniform with mask and weapon for photos as well as your team socks.  Also please remember if you are ordering photos to bring the photo envelopes with money with you.  These were handed out prior to Christmas break, if you do not have yours please let me know today.
Second, Since photos are on Wednesday the team has decided that we will practice on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday this week to accommodate everyone schedule.
As far as Saturday goes, I am anxiously awaiting a response from our Athletic Department regarding busing for the Tournament which will be held at Woodland High School.  Team check in is at 8:30 and competition will begin around 9:30 and should be done by 3:30.  Again, all team members must have all of their gear with them and wear athletic shorts under sweatpants or long pants to competition so you are ready to suit up once there.
I will send additional information as it becomes available to me, if you have any questions please feel free to contact either myself or Alex at anytime.
Thank you,
Shannon and Alex