Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Class & Scrimmage - Saturday, 1/23/16

For the remainder of the week we will have our normal practice on Friday from 3-5.  Please be sure to bring home your gear on Thursday night in case there is no school on Friday due to weather.
We will be having a fencing scrimmage on Saturday.  Lourdes fencing team will be fencing against Peekskill Fencing Center Team and Storm King School Fencing Team.  There will be a class at Peekskill Fencing prior to competition beginning at 1:00 and competition will begin at 2:00.  If we get the weather they are predicting we will be sending out an email by 6:00 Saturday morning to notify everyone of any cancellations.
For midterm week, we will have our normal practice schedule, if there are any changes we will notify everyone accordingly.
Please be sure that everyone has ALL their gear at all times.  We have had a lot of issues with parts of uniforms going missing.  Each team member is responsible for their own gear and it is becoming very costly to replace missing items weekly.
Please contact either Alex or myself if any additional information is needed.
Thank you,
Shannon and Alex

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