Thursday, January 28, 2016

Super Saturday - January 30, 2016

Good afternoon,

For our last practice of the week we have received permission from the administration to practice from 12:00-2:00 on Thursday 1/28/16.  This prevents fencers from having to leave and comeback, with that being said we are making this a mandatory practice as we have a very important tournament on Saturday that will determine our placement in the league for sectional finals on February 6th.

We will not have practice on Friday therefore all equipment must be brought home with you on Thursday after practice, unlike previous weeks, if your equipment is left in the cage at school we will not be loading it in our cars and bringing it home with us, it is every individual fencers responsibility to have their own equipment.

We do have a bus for Saturday's tournament, it will pick up at Lourdes at 7:30 in the morning as our start time for this week is 9:30 at Ardsley. Please let me know ASAP who will be riding the bus, I know several members who were at Practice on Monday all ready confirmed they would be.

If there are any questions please feel free to contact us.

Thank You,

Shannon and Alex

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