Monday, February 29, 2016

Last Practice/Annual Service Project/Team Dinner

Today we had our last official practice of the season, we had a great season with a great group of kids.  Please remember that we will continue our season at Peekskill Fencing on Saturday's from 11:30-2:30.
Please remember that our annual service project is coming up on Sunday March 13th from 10:00 - 2:00 at Stop and Shop on Route 9 in Wappingers Falls. This is a mandatory service project and if you are in need of honor society hours please bring the form with you to be signed.  Also, if any parents are available at 2:00 to help transport the collected food to Holy Trinity Food Pantry in Poughkeepsie please let me know.
Also, our annual Team Dinner will be held on Wednesday April 20th at Cappucino's on Route 9 by IBM in Poughkeepsie.  Please be sure to return the RSVP form and money ASAP. I am attaching a copy of the form if anyone needs it.
For all my seniors, it is that time when I need your baby pictures.  Please be sure to send them in to school in a sealed envelope with your name on it and give them to Andrew.  
Lastly, we would like to thank everyone for a great season, we could not have done it without everyone's support.
Please feel free to contact either Alex or myself with any questions you may have.
Thank You,
Shannon And Alex

Thursday, February 25, 2016

Last Meet of the Season - Storm King School - 2/26/16

Reminder there is no practice on Thursday after school, we have our last meet of the season against Storm King School on Friday at 4:00.  Thank you to all those who have volunteered to drive on Friday.  I will not be able to attend the meet and Alex will be meeting everyone at Storm King.  Please be ready with your gear and in the lower parking Lot by 2:45. I will meet everyone there to be sure everyone is ready.
For those who are driving the address to Storm King School is 314 Mountain Road, Cornwall on Hudson NY 12520.
To all fencers, please let me know on Thursday if you are planning on attending so we know how many fencers to expect on Friday.  You can either email me at or text me on my cell phone at (845) 721-2761.
Also, everyone should have received the email with the RSVP for the Annual dinner please try to return it ASAP so we can plan accordingly.
Lastly, reminder there will be fencing at Peekskill fencing center on Saturday beginning at 11:30, please take advantage of these classes they are free to our team and is a great opportunity to fence other fencers outside of our team.
Thank you and have a great evening,
Shannon and Alex

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

OLL FENCING DINNER - Wednesday, April 20 at 6:00 p.m.

You are invited to attend the Our Lady of Lourdes Annual Fencing Dinner. This year the dinner will be at Cappuccino’s on Route 9 in Poughkeepsie. The dinner will take place on Wednesday, April 20th at 6PM.

The cost of the dinner is $23.00 per person. Please return the bottom portion of this flyer with a check made out to “Our Lady of Lourdes Fencing Team” to the school in an envelope marked “OLL Fencing Dinner”.

Please feel free to contact me with any further questions at: or 845-721-2761

Name: _________________________________________________________________________

Phone Number/ E-mail: ___________________________________________________________

Number of People Attending: _______________________________________________________

Total Amount ($23.00 x # Attending): _________________________________________________

Storm King School Meet 2/26 and Fencing Dinner 4/20

A few things going on I talked to the kids at practice today about, first we will only have practice Monday and Tuesday this week there will be no end of the week practice.  Friday we have our re-scheduled meet against Storm King School at Storm King.  There will be no busing for this meet so if there are any parents that would be able to help with car pooling that would be great if you could email me and let me know.  The meet will begin at 4:00 so we would have to meet at school by 3:00.
Also I have attached the RSVP form for our annual end of the season dinner which will be held on Wednesday April 20th at 6:00pm at Cappucino's on Route 9 in Poughkeepsie.  It has become a tradition to hold our dinner at this restaurant it is a fun night to review our season and just be together.
Lastly, please remember that we have our mandatory service project coming up in a few weeks on Sunday March 13th from 10:00-2:00 at Stop and Shop on Route 9 in Wappingers Falls.  This again is mandatory for all team members, as a varsity team we are required to complete a service project.
Hope everyone has a wonderful week and if there are any questions please free to contact us.
Thank You,
Shannon and Alex

Wednesday, February 17, 2016


Just a reminder that practice will be tomorrow THURSDAY FEBRUARY 18th we will not be having practice this Friday.  Also our make up meet against Storm King School is set for Friday February 26th at 4:00.  I am not sure if we will have busing available for that meet I will let everyone know as soon as I find out from the athletic department.  Also please keep in mind our mandatory service project will again be our food drive which will be held on Sunday March 13th from 10:00-2:00 at Stop and Shop in Wappingers Falls.
We are also working on setting the date and getting the details regarding our end of season team dinner so as that becomes available we will also forward that to you as well.
Hope everyone has a great day,
Shannon and Alex

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Practice this Friday, 2/12/16

For the remainder of this week we will keep practice on Friday, if you are unable to make it please let me know.  We will continue with regular practices through February.  As I mentioned to the team we have our mandatory service project on Sunday March 13th from 10:00-2:00 at Stop and Shop on Route 9 in Wappingers Falls.  We are also planning our annual team Fencing Dinner and once that is set I will let everyone know.
As far as the Sectionals go you guys were all amazing and we are very proud of you.  We ended our season with both of our Girls teams in 2nd place in sectionals and both of our boys teams in 6th place.  
As well we would like to congratulate the following on their All-Section awards, 
Andrew Gauzza- boys Epee
Michael Peratikos- honorable mention for boys Foil
Miranda Tinerello - honorable mention for girls Epee
Diana Bortz - honorable mention for girls Foil
We would also like to thank all of our parents for their support and dedication, without your support and encouragement our season would not have been possible.
Shannon Gauzza and Alex Acevedo

Friday, February 5, 2016

Super Saturday - Sectionals - Ardsley - 2/6/16

Just a reminder bus pick up is at 7:00 in the morning for everyone riding the bus, I have the same list as last week and was not told any different so am assuming same kids on the bus.  For those of you who did not bring your gear home after practice yesterday, I was able to get into the school this morning thanks to Mr. Philipbar and have all your bags with me.  We will have a 9:15 start tomorrow and not sure on times for finishing depends how the day goes.  These are sectional finals and we could end early or we could go all day so be prepared with a lunch and plenty of drinks.
This week will be at Ardsley High School again same as last week.  Please make sure before you go to bed tonight that all of the pieces of your equipment are in your bag, this includes your SOCKS, t-shirt, shorts, mask, knickers, under protector and jacket.  We are having a very big issue with fencers showing up not prepared as well as leaving practice with pieces of their uniform behind.  Every one of your bags consist of well over $300.00 worth of equipment and I should not have to walk behind all of you.  Your gear is your responsibility, do not come to me in the morning at the tournament looking for pieces of uniforms.
Have a great and restful night and we look forward to seeing everyone in the morning.
Shannon and Alex

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Final Super Saturday/Sectional Finals 2/6/16

We are on to our final Super Saturday tournament which is also our Sectional Finals.  The kids have been working very hard this week at practice.  We will be having practice this week on Thursday rather then Friday and we will also have a bus on Saturday which will have a 7:00 pick up at Lourdes.  I asked the kids and it seems the same group will be on the bus so I only need an email back if there are any changes.
This Saturday's tournament will be at Ardsley High School same as last week, we have not received our times yet for Saturday so as soon as I receive confirmation I will send out another email.
We have had a great season with a great group of kids, we will be rescheduling our scrimmage against Storm King School and we also continue practices through the month of February.
Thank You,
Shannon and Alex