Thursday, February 25, 2016

Last Meet of the Season - Storm King School - 2/26/16

Reminder there is no practice on Thursday after school, we have our last meet of the season against Storm King School on Friday at 4:00.  Thank you to all those who have volunteered to drive on Friday.  I will not be able to attend the meet and Alex will be meeting everyone at Storm King.  Please be ready with your gear and in the lower parking Lot by 2:45. I will meet everyone there to be sure everyone is ready.
For those who are driving the address to Storm King School is 314 Mountain Road, Cornwall on Hudson NY 12520.
To all fencers, please let me know on Thursday if you are planning on attending so we know how many fencers to expect on Friday.  You can either email me at or text me on my cell phone at (845) 721-2761.
Also, everyone should have received the email with the RSVP for the Annual dinner please try to return it ASAP so we can plan accordingly.
Lastly, reminder there will be fencing at Peekskill fencing center on Saturday beginning at 11:30, please take advantage of these classes they are free to our team and is a great opportunity to fence other fencers outside of our team.
Thank you and have a great evening,
Shannon and Alex

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