Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Practice this Friday, 2/12/16

For the remainder of this week we will keep practice on Friday, if you are unable to make it please let me know.  We will continue with regular practices through February.  As I mentioned to the team we have our mandatory service project on Sunday March 13th from 10:00-2:00 at Stop and Shop on Route 9 in Wappingers Falls.  We are also planning our annual team Fencing Dinner and once that is set I will let everyone know.
As far as the Sectionals go you guys were all amazing and we are very proud of you.  We ended our season with both of our Girls teams in 2nd place in sectionals and both of our boys teams in 6th place.  
As well we would like to congratulate the following on their All-Section awards, 
Andrew Gauzza- boys Epee
Michael Peratikos- honorable mention for boys Foil
Miranda Tinerello - honorable mention for girls Epee
Diana Bortz - honorable mention for girls Foil
We would also like to thank all of our parents for their support and dedication, without your support and encouragement our season would not have been possible.
Shannon Gauzza and Alex Acevedo

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