Friday, February 5, 2016

Super Saturday - Sectionals - Ardsley - 2/6/16

Just a reminder bus pick up is at 7:00 in the morning for everyone riding the bus, I have the same list as last week and was not told any different so am assuming same kids on the bus.  For those of you who did not bring your gear home after practice yesterday, I was able to get into the school this morning thanks to Mr. Philipbar and have all your bags with me.  We will have a 9:15 start tomorrow and not sure on times for finishing depends how the day goes.  These are sectional finals and we could end early or we could go all day so be prepared with a lunch and plenty of drinks.
This week will be at Ardsley High School again same as last week.  Please make sure before you go to bed tonight that all of the pieces of your equipment are in your bag, this includes your SOCKS, t-shirt, shorts, mask, knickers, under protector and jacket.  We are having a very big issue with fencers showing up not prepared as well as leaving practice with pieces of their uniform behind.  Every one of your bags consist of well over $300.00 worth of equipment and I should not have to walk behind all of you.  Your gear is your responsibility, do not come to me in the morning at the tournament looking for pieces of uniforms.
Have a great and restful night and we look forward to seeing everyone in the morning.
Shannon and Alex

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