Wednesday, December 30, 2015

First Super Saturday - 1/9/16 - Woodlands

Good evening,
Hope everyone had a great Christmas.  Wanted to thank everyone who came to Peekskill Fencing last Saturday for the clinic and a reminder that our first Super Saturday Tournament is next Saturday January 9th at Woodlands, more information will be given out this coming week.  Next week, will be a normal practice schedule of Monday, Tuesday and Friday. 
Also, There will be fencing beginning at 10:00 am on Saturday at Peekskill Fencing if you are able to attend please try to.  Remember, all fencers must have a minimum of 10 practices prior to the first super Saturday in order to compete and Saturday classes count towards the 10.
Please feel free to contact either myself or Alex with any questions you may have.
Thank You,
Shannon and Alex


All Tournaments are “Super Saturday” these are all day MANDATORY events.  The following is a list of dates of tournaments.

January 9, 2016 – Woodlands
January 16, 2016 – Clarkstown South
January 30, 2016 – Ardsley
February 6, 2016 – Ardsley

On these days, we ask that everyone where shorts underneath long pants to travel to and from competition.  The shorts will be worn underneath your required white uniform and worn with the Lourdes fencing t-shirt, Lourdes fencing sock and Lourdes fencing blue and white jacket.

Please remember to bring lunch and plenty of drinks, these are long days and the schools can be very warm.

Friday, December 25, 2015

Merry Christmas & 12/26/15 practice

Merry Christmas to everyone!
Just a reminder that we have the fencing clinic at Peekskill Fencing from 10:00 - 3:00 tomorrow December 26th.  The address of Peekskill Fencing Center is 1000 North Division Street, Peekskill, N.Y. 10566 and the phone number is (914) 734-1444.  
Please feel free to contact either Alex or myself for any additional information.
Shannon and Alex

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

OLL Fencing - Week of December 15, 2015

For this week our practice schedule will be Monday, Tuesday and Thursday due to our school team photos being taken on Thursday at 3:00 the team decided rather then have practice on Friday we would do everything on Thursday.  I am hoping to receive the forms today to hand our to the team at practice if I do not receive them from the Athletic Department in time I will send them through an email.  For team photos all the children must be in their full white uniform with the team socks, for our new members I will bring you socks that day to where.
Also, I am sending home a letter with the children today regarding our annual family Christmas party which will be held next Tuesday December 22, 2015 at 4:30 in the school cafeteria.  This is always a fun time for the kids to have some fun and socialize, families are welcome to join us and we ask that everyone bring a dish to share.  Mrs. Dana Bortz will be heading the preparation and her email and phone number are on the paper however if your teenager does not share this with you her email is . (Please see attached)
For next week, we will not be having practice on Monday December 21,2015 due to the dodgeball tournament at the school that day.
Also, December 26th we would like to hold a one day clinic at Peekskill Fencing for the team more details will follow on this, keep in mind our first Super Saturday tournament is January 9, 2015 everyone should have the schedule of all our super Saturday's if you do not please let me know.
Thank you,
Shannon Gauzza and Alex Acevedo

Sunday, November 29, 2015

OLL Fencing Week of November 30

Hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving.  For the upcoming week we will be practicing on Monday, Tuesday and Friday.  For Friday, Alex will be available to do some one on one work with each fencer.  Please remember to get in all of your required paperwork and fees especially any uniform items that you need ordered.  Before competitions begin in January everyone will need the complete uniform of Tshirt, socks and Jackets.
Any questions please feel free to contact me.  Also, please remember that fencing at Peekskill will resume next Saturday from 11:30-2:30.
Thank You,
Shannon and Alex

Saturday, November 14, 2015

Fencing Starts Monday - 11/16/15

Sending a reminder regarding the beginning of practices this week.  We will meet in the school cafeteria from 3-5:00 on Monday, Thursday and Friday this week.  We will not have practice on Tuesday due to scheduling conflicts with Alex and I.  
Also, as you may have noticed the fees were increased this year.  This increase is to pay for busing to tournaments, dinners after tournaments and any necessary equipment.  However, please know that no individual who wishes to fence will be excluded if the fees cannot be paid.  Please contact either Alex or myself if the fees may pose a problem and we will work through that with you.
Also, we are in the process of arranging for scrimmages with Storm King School and will let you know details as they become available.
Please also try to attend classes at Peekskill Fencing Center.  These are given every Saturday from 11:30-2:30 and really are beneficial for the upcoming season and are free to Lourdes fencers.
Please feel free to contact us with any questions or concerns you may have at anytime.
Thank you for all your cooperation as we begin another great season,
Alex and Shannon

Sunday, November 8, 2015

OLL Fencing 2015-2016

Our 2015 season is about to begin.  Our first practice will be on Monday November 16th from 3-5 in the school cafeteria.  Everyone who attended the meeting was given all the paperwork required by the school to participate in sports so please be sure to bring that with you on the 16th.  Also, please be sure that the blue sports participation form has been handed into Mrs. McAllister the school nurse no later then Monday November 9th.  On the first day of practice we will be given a list of all athletes who are cleared to participate in sports and if your name is not on it you are not allowed to participate. For practice please where comfortable clothes, even if you want to just wear your gym uniform with sneakers.
Everyone also has been given our January Tournament schedule, please be sure your parents have received this paper.  These are mandatory events for all fencers.
There will be a small change to the practice schedule to accommodate Alex being able to spend more individualized time with the team, From November 13th until December 11th, Practices will be on Monday, Tuesday and Friday.  Also, please try to attend the Saturday training classes at Peekskill Fencing Center.  These are free to all of our Lourdes fencers and is a great opportunity to increase your skills, have some personal training and fence fencers outside of our team to see the different styles you will be facing in tournaments.  These classes are held every Saturday from 11:30-1:00 and 1:00-2:30.  If anyone is need of a ride we do put car pools together and will be more then happy to assist with driving.
Again, look forward to seeing everyone on November 16th and looking forward to a great season.
Shannon And Alex

Saturday, September 19, 2015

Warrior Spirit Day 9/25/15

I hope everyone had and enjoyable and restful summer.  As you may all know this coming Friday September 25th is Warrior Spirit Day.  As in the past we will be setting up a table and selling snacks and drinks to the students.  This is a great fundraising opportunity and last year in just 2 hours made almost $500.00.  We are asking if anyone is available to volunteer to help with setup, sale and clean up for that day and also for donations of drinks and snacks.  Last year we found that the Gatorade, PowerAde, Water and any individual wrapped snacks sold very well.  If you are able to volunteer or donate if you could please send me an email as soon as possible that would be great.
Also within the next couple of weeks we will be having a meeting for all members of the team to discuss the upcoming season.  We have just received our Super Saturday schedule for January and will have copies available.  Prior to this meeting please go through your gear that you kept with you from last year, please label and bring with you your weapons and cords so that we can have them checked prior to the start of the season.
Also as with last year we are in need of at least 4 female fencers, please try to recruit and bring anyone interested to this meeting with you.  If we do not have at least 4 boys and 4 girls for each weapon we cannot compete in the league so this is very important.
And last, please remember that we really want everyone to come to Peekskill fencing on Saturdays, most of these teams we will be competing against have been fencing year round.  These are free classes to Lourdes students and are very beneficial.  We will be starting the car pool again for anyone who is need of a ride, please email me and we will work that out.
We look forward to hearing and seeing everyone very soon and look forward to another successful season.

Shannon Gauzza

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Varsity Sports Award Dinner

Don't forget to sign up to attend the Varsity Sports Dinner.  RSVP and payment due by May 7, 2015.  Form available on the OLL website under Athletics and Clubs

Tuesday, April 14, 2015


Don't forget to sign up for the varsity sports award dinner.  Form can be printed off the website.  Go to the Athletics & Clubs section of the website, and look under Resources for the form.  The information is also below:

Our Lady of Lourdes High School 
24th Annual Varsity Sports Award Dinner

You are cordially invited to attend the Athletic Recognition Dinner and Slide Show in honor of our OLL Varsity athletes on
Wednesday, May 27th at 5:45 p.m.
Anthony’s Pier 9, 2975 Route 9W South, New Windsor, NY 12553
Chicken Hudson Valley with vegetables, salad, dessert and beverage (Vegetarian Dinner available)
$32.00 each
Please submit your child’s senior photo and a baby picture for the slide show no later than May 7th to Photos may also be submitted to Mrs. Burke in the Athletic Office and will be returned at the dinner. Please use the form below to order your copy of the slide show presentation which will be available at the dinner.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Please complete the form below and return with a check made payable to OLL Warrior Club by May 7, 2015 to:
Jackie Keenan
20 Rolling Green Lane Wappingers Falls, NY 12590

STUDENT(S) and SPORT(S):____________________________________________ ADULT(S):__________________________________________________________ TELEPHONE #:___________________ EMAIL:_____________________________ RESERVATIONS:___________________ @$32 each TOTAL:________________ SLIDE SHOW CD:__________________ @$10 each TOTAL:________________
TOTAL AMOUNT ENCLOSED: $_____________________
Eligibility to attend the Varsity Dinner is contingent upon full payment of sports fees. There is no reserved seating. Student athletes must have a PAID reservation.

Friday, March 20, 2015

OLL Fencing Team Community Service Project Results

Thank you all for a fantastic day at the Super Stop & Shop in Wappingers Falls last Sunday, March 15th for our OLL Fencing Team Community Service Project.

The turn out was phenomenal! Thank you Fencers and all parents for helping this day happen.

We spent 4 1/2 hours collecting food for St. Columba's St. Vincent De Paul Food Pantry in Hopewell Junction. We delivered approximately 35 cases of non perishable food and $155 cash to the food pantry by 3:00pm. 

We had a very successful day and we were able to surpass last year's totals.

Hope everyone enjoyed the day!

Thanks Again!
Dana Bortz

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Fencing Dinner this Sunday, March 22, 2015

Just a reminder anyone planning on attending the fencing dinner on Sunday needs to hand in the completed form with payment by Wednesday.  I have to have a final count into the restaurant and as of this evening I only have seven fencers who have responded.  
Thank You,
Shannon Gauzza and Alex Acevedo

Sunday, March 15, 2015

Great job today OLL Fencing!  We collected 25 cases of food and $155 for the St. Columba food pantry today!

Thursday, March 12, 2015

Service Project 3/15/15 -- Fencing Dinner 3/22/15

This coming Sunday March 15th is our Fencing service project.  We will be outside of the Stop and Shop in Wappingers Falls from 10:00-2:00 and then will be delivering the food collected to the St. Columba Food Pantry.  Again this is a mandatory event required by all Varsity sports teams at Lourdes.  
Any parents that can assist with transporting the collected items would be very much appreciated.  Please let Mrs. Bortz know at
Also, I will be emailing the form regarding the upcoming fencing dinner scheduled for Sunday March 22nd at 5:00 in the evening at Copolla's on Route 9 in Poughkeepsie.  The price will remain as last year $20.00 per person.  I will also have forms available for pick up on Sunday.
Thank you to everyone for your cooperation, it has been difficult trying to plan the dinner do to an abundance of scheduling conflicts so apologize for such short notice.
Also, I have only received baby pictures from a few of our seniors, the video will be put together between this weekend and will be completed by Wednesday, if you still wish to have photos on the video bring them with you on Sunday.
Thank you,
Shannon Gauzza and Alex Acevedo

Thursday, March 5, 2015

Parade / Service Project / Fencing Dinner

Good Evening Everyone,

Just a few notes and reminders, the fencing team has been asked to March in the St. Patrick's Day Parade in Wappingers Falls this Saturday March 7th, line up time is 12:00 with a 1:00 start.  It would be great if as many fencers as possible could join us.  We ask that you please wear your fencing t-shirt and jacket for the parade.  

Also a reminder that our Fencing Service Project is Next Sunday March 15th at Super Stop & Shop on Route 9 in Wappingers Falls (same location as last year).  The times are from 10:00-2:00, this is a mandatory service project for all fencers, if you can only stay for an hour that is fine, if you need NHS hours and stay the whole day that is great.  We will also need anyone who can help transport the food we collect to St. Columba afterwards.

Lastly, the date for our dinner had to be changed, it is now going to be on Sunday, March 22nd at 5:30 at Cappucino's (also same location as last year).  Over the next day I will be sending out a form for your response, as it was last year the cost will be $20.00 a person which will be collected prior to our dinner and submitted through the school.  We hope that everyone can attend, it was not easy to get a date that worked for everyone.

We will continue fencing at Peekskill every Saturday from 11:30-2:30 and we will be starting to carpool again last couple of weeks have been a little crazy.

We look forward to seeing everyone soon and again please let me know ASAP about who will be joining us on Saturday, this should be a fun time.  Please send me a text message and let me know either way if you can make it or not my cell number is (845) 721-2761

Thank You,

Shannon and Alex

Our Lady of Lourdes High School 23rd Annual Varsity Sports Award Dinner

Our Lady of Lourdes High School 23rd Annual Varsity Sports Award Dinner

You are cordially invited to attend the Athletic Recognition Dinner and Slide Show in honor of our OLL Varsity athletes on

Wednesday, May 27th at 5:45 p.m.

Anthony’s Pier 9, 2975 Route 9W South, New Windsor, NY 12553

Chicken Hudson Valley with vegetables, salad, dessert and beverage (Vegetarian Dinner available)

$32.00 each

Please submit your child’s senior photo and a baby picture for the slide show no later than May 7th to Photos may also be submitted to Mrs. Burke in the Athletic Office and will be returned at the dinner. Please use the form below to order your copy of the slide show presentation which will be available at the dinner.
Please complete the form below and return with a check made payable to OLL Warrior Club by May 7, 2015 to:

Jackie Keenan
20 Rolling Green Lane

Wappingers Falls, NY 12590

STUDENT(S) and SPORT(S):__________________________________________ ADULT(S):________________________________________________________ TELEPHONE #:___________________ EMAIL:_____________________________ RESERVATIONS:___________________ @$32 each TOTAL:________________ SLIDE SHOW CD:__________________ @$10 each TOTAL:________________
TOTAL AMOUNT ENCLOSED: $_____________________

Eligibility to attend the Varsity Dinner is contingent upon full payment of sports fees. There is no reserved seating. Student athletes must have a PAID reservation.

Saturday, February 21, 2015

OLL Fencing Service Project - 3/15/15

Hello All,

Our OLL Fencing Team Community Service Project is Scheduled for Sunday, March 15, 2015.

This is a required activity for all the fencers on the team. We will spend March 15th at the Super Stop & Shop located at the BJ's Plaza in Wappingers on Route 9, from 10:00am to 2:00pm. 

We will gather before 10:00am and collect food for St. Columba Food Pantry located in Hopewell Junction. The food will be delivered by us to the food pantry right after we pack our cars. We will need several parents with pick up trucks or vans to help deliver the food. The fencers will help deliver and unload all the food at the St. Columba food pantry afterward.

I will supply a sign up schedule for the team. Fencers can sign up for 2 hour shifts. Either from 10:00 to 12:00 or from 12:00 to 2:00pm.  They can also stay the entire 4 hours if they need the volunteer hours for the National Honor's Society. 

Please put this activity on your schedule! Hopefully, we will have a successful day. The fencing team has raised over $2000 dollars of food for local food pantries each year. Plus we won the overall best community service project for OLL sports teams for the past 2 years! So let's do it again! If you have any questions, please email me.

Thank you,
Dana Bortz
For Shannon & Alex 

Saturday, February 14, 2015

Week of 2/16/15 and end of season dinner date announced

Good afternoon Everyone,
As we finish up our regular season, I would like to take this opportunity to first let everyone know how great of a season we had.  We finished the season with our boys epee team and girls foil team in 2nd place in sections, our girls epee team in 4th place and boys foil team in 5th place.  We as well had 3 all section fencers, congratulations to Sarah Acevedo, Chris Amalathas and Nina Acevedo.

This coming week we will be having practice on Tuesday but will not be having practice on Thursday due to honor band rehearsal in the cafeteria.

Also, coming up in March, once the incoming freshman for next year have officially been registered we can begin having open gyms, this will give us the opportunity to welcome new team members and begin their training.

Our end of season dinner is set for Saturday March 21st at 6:00 at Copolla's on route 9 in Poughkeepsie which is the same place as last year.  I will get more details in the upcoming week regarding the dinner.

We will be continuing with every Saturday fencing at Peekskill Fencing Center from 11:30 - 2:30 this is a great opportunity to improve on your skills and stay in shape for next season.  We are also looking at having a meet with Chappaqua in April, more details will follow on that as well.

Again, thank you everyone for a wonderful season, we would like to say this is not the end but the beginning of better things to come.

Shannon and Alex

Saturday, February 7, 2015

Week of February 9

As we prepare for another snow filled week, I would like to take the time to first let everyone know how very proud we are of our team.  We have had a great season and even though our Super Saturday tournaments are done, we will continue with our regular weekly practices through February.  

This coming Wednesday, we will be having a meet against Storm King School after school at Lourdes in the small gym. Please be sure to bring all your gear to school that day as well as your team shirts and socks.  The meet will begin approximately at 3:00 so please be sure to head straight to the gym after school to help set up.

We will also be continuing practicing every Saturday at Peekskill Fencing and this includes in the off season, as we have said before almost every team we faced in the league fences all year long so please try to join us as much as you can.

We have also been given permission to hold open gyms at school for fencing, at which time we will be welcoming any incoming freshman who may be interested in fencing with us next season.  It would be great to have our experienced team at theses open gyms to welcome and help teach our new members about fencing.

In the upcoming week hopefully I will have dates for you regarding our service project and our team dinner.

Enjoy the snow and stay safe and warm,

Shannon and Alex

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Final Super Saturday of 2015

As we prepare for our final Super Saturday tournament I would like to say that we had another amazing outing last weekend.  Everyone performed exceptionally well and we need to keep that momentum going for our final weekend.  This coming Saturday, 1/31/15, will be at Ardsley with a 9:15 check in and 10:00 am start, we will go 4 rounds and will include JV fencers as well.  We should be finished around 4:30.
Tomorrow, 1/29/15, we will be holding a practice for all those who are able to attend from 12:00 - 3:00 in the small gym.  If you are not planning on attending practice please be sure to bring home all your gear from school tomorrow as we are expecting more snow on Friday.  
We have had a great season and we will continue with normal practices through most of February.  We will also continue fencing in the off season at Peekskill Fencing, with that being said, if you are currently a Freshman, Sophomore or Junior and are planning on fencing with us during the off season and are using equipment belonging to the team, Alex and I will be allowing people to keep their equipment at home with them if you wish.  We will be handing out within the upcoming weeks an agreement for parents to sign allowing you to hold onto the gear.
We will also be in contact regarding a required service project and our end of the year dinner.
Hope everyone gets lots of rest after mid terms and we look forward to a great Super Saturday at Ardsley.
Thank You,
Shannon and Alex

Saturday, January 24, 2015

Super "SUNDAY" 1/25/15

Reminder tomorrow our Super Sunday is at Woodlands High School.  The address for all those that are driving is 475 W. Hartsdale Avenue, Hartsdale, NY 10530.  We have a 10:15 check in with an 11:00 start, we are only fencing 3 rounds so we should still be done by 3:30.  Please be sure to get lots of rest tomorrow is a very important day for our league standings.
For those of you riding the bus, we will be leaving Lourdes at 9:00am, based on how many kids responded to me we have reserved a small bus.  Below is who I have riding the bus:
Andrew, Nicholas Paradie, John Martin, Nate Borst, Emma, Rochelle, Yuqi, Jonathon Long, Chris and AJ.  
We will be having practice this coming week.  However, due to mid terms and time for studying we will let you know when practice will be so that we can still be ready for next Saturday but also no stress for exams.   We are looking at having our normal practice days from 12-3 with "optional" practices.
We look forward to seeing you all tomorrow and enjoy your snow day.

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

1/21/15 Scrimmage with Arlington at OLL

Just a reminder that we will be holding a scrimmage against Arlington tomorrow beginning at 3:30 at Lourdes in the small gym (aka gym #2).  We will be having regular practice on Thursday and we will be having practice at Peekskill Fencing from 11:30 - 3:30 on Saturday.
We are all set for a bus for Sunday, please let me know by Thursday if you will be taking the bus.  This is very important as we have been getting small buses and last week if we had one more person we would not have all fit.
Please remember to bring all your gear tomorrow including your socks and t-shirts to be worn with your fencing uniform.  Also please remember that all your gear MUST go home with you after practice on Thursday evening.
This coming weekend our tournament will be at Woodlands High School which is in Hartsdale start time is 9:30 we will be fencing 3 rounds.
Thank you for everything,
Shannon Gauzza and Alex Acevedo